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A biomass dryer is a mechanical device used to dry biomass materials. The biomass dryer evaporates and takes away the moisture in the biomass materials through heating system, air circulation system, dust removal system and other components to achieve the purpose of drying. This equipment can significantly reduce the moisture content of biomass materials to meet subsequent use or processing requirements. The weight and volume of dried biomass materials are greatly reduced, which facilitates subsequent transportation and storage. It also improves the combustion efficiency or processing efficiency of biomass.

The working principle of the biomass dryer mainly includes the following steps:

Heating system: Heating the air to a certain temperature allows the moisture in the biomass material to evaporate quickly.

Air circulation system: The heated air is circulated and sent into the drying room to fully contact the biomass materials and take away the moisture.

Dust removal system: Filter the dried air to remove dust and other impurities to ensure the quality of the discharged air.

Discharge system: transport the dried biomass materials to the discharge port for subsequent processing or utilization.

Biomass dryer equipment is an efficient, energy-saving and environmentally friendly drying equipment with wide application prospects and market potential.

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