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Sand dryer, also known as river sand dryer, yellow sand dryer, quartz sand dryer, is a drying equipment specially used to handle large amounts of materials. It has been widely used in many industries such as construction, chemical industry, metallurgy, and papermaking for its reliable operation, large operating flexibility, strong adaptability, and large processing capacity.

Industrial sand dryer equipment composition:Sand dryers are usually composed of feeding devices, hot air furnaces (or electric heaters), rotating drums (drums), discharging devices, dust removal devices, and other parts. These parts work together to realize the drying process of sand.

The working principle of the sand drying system mainly depends on hot air and mechanical friction. The hot air system provides heat energy through a burner or an electric heater, and the hot air enters the hot air chamber of the dryer through a pipe. The hot air forms a hot air layer in the dryer, which is in full contact with the sand during the rolling process, accelerating the heat conduction and evaporation process. The rotation of the rotating drum causes the sand to roll continuously, ensuring that the sand is in full contact with the hot air, thereby achieving the purpose of drying. 

Sand dryers are widely used in many industries such as construction, chemical industry, metallurgy, and papermaking. In the construction industry, it is often used in mortar production lines, concrete mixing plants and other projects; in the chemical, metallurgical and other industries, it can be used to dry materials, powders, etc. It is a high-efficiency, energy-saving and environmentally friendly drying equipment.

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