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The biomass continuous carbonization machine is a kind of equipment for efficiently processing biomass raw materials, mainly used to convert various biomass wastes into high-quality carbon powder or biochar. It is to place biomass raw materials such as rice husks, coconut shells, sawdust, straw, etc. in a closed carbonization chamber, and gradually carbonize the raw materials by heating, and finally convert them into carbon powder or biochar. This process usually adopts high temperature and pressure control to ensure the quality and yield of carbon powder.

The types of biomass wastes processed by the biomass continuous carbonization machine are very wide, mainly including the following categories:

1. Agricultural and forestry wastes: such as corn stalks, cotton stalks, wheat stalks, rice husks, etc. These straw biomass wastes are produced in large quantities in agricultural production, and can be converted into valuable biochar or carbon powder through carbonization treatment.

2. Fruit shells: coconut shells, apricot shells, peach kernels, walnut shells, nut shells, etc. These fruit shell biomass wastes are produced during fruit processing and nut processing, and are also suitable for carbonization treatment.

3. Other plants: wood chips, bark, branches, bamboo chips, bamboo powder, etc. These plant wastes are produced in wood processing and forestry production, and high-quality carbon powder or biochar can be obtained through carbonization.

4. Agricultural processing byproducts: such as coffee grounds, peanut shells, palm shells, date pits, peels, etc. These agricultural processing byproducts are produced in food processing and agricultural product processing, and resources can be reused through carbonization.

5. Livestock and poultry waste: Although livestock and poultry waste (such as cattle bones) are not mainstream in carbonization, in certain specific cases, they can also be carbonized as biomass raw materials to produce fertilizers or other products. However, it should be noted that the treatment of livestock and poultry waste usually requires more stringent hygiene and environmental protection requirements.

6. Urban garbage (domestic garbage): Some biodegradable domestic garbage can also be carbonized as biomass raw materials after classification and pretreatment.

The biomass continuous carbonization machine can not only realize the resource utilization of waste and reduce environmental pollution by carbonizing these biomass wastes at high temperature, but also produce high-quality carbon powder or biochar and other products, which has broad application prospects and economic benefits.

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