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The biomass pellet production line is applicable to a wide range of materials, mainly including but not limited to the following categories:

Crop straw: such as corn straw, wheat straw, rice straw, etc. These materials are common wastes in agricultural production. Through the processing of biomass pellet production lines, they can be converted into efficient and environmentally friendly pellet fuels.

Wood processing waste: wood chips, sawdust, bamboo chips, shavings, etc. These wastes come from the wood processing industry and may have been regarded as useless wastes, but through the biomass pellet production line, they can be processed into valuable biomass pellet fuels.

Energy crops: Certain specially planted energy crops, such as specific herbaceous plants used to produce biofuels, can also be used as raw materials for biomass pellet production lines.

Other biomass materials: High-humidity materials with moderate moisture content (usually between 35%-65%) such as potato vines, bean stems, and peanut vines are also suitable for biomass pellet production lines. These materials can be made into pellet fuels after drying, crushing, granulation and other processes.

The process flow of the biomass pellet production line mainly includes the following steps:

Raw material preparation: The collected raw materials are pre-treated, including removing impurities, adjusting humidity, etc., to ensure the smooth progress of the subsequent processing process. The raw materials also need to be chopped or crushed to reach a particle size suitable for pelletizing.

Drying: The wet material is dried by drying equipment to reduce its moisture content to an appropriate level.

Pellet molding: The dried raw materials are sent to the pellet molding equipment, and after heating and pressure, they are pressed through the mold orifice plate to form granular solid fuel.

Cooling: The newly formed biomass pellets are cooled to prevent them from re-absorbing moisture or deforming.

Screening: Unqualified pellets are removed by screening equipment to improve the quality of the finished pellets.

Packaging: Qualified biomass pellets are packaged for easy transportation and storage.

The biomass pellet production line is a modern production process that converts waste materials into efficient and environmentally friendly fuel pellets, which has broad application prospects and important environmental significance.

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