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What is fly ash?

Fly ash refers to the ash produced when burning coal. It is mainly divided into two types: one is the ash produced in coal-fired boilers, called boiler ash, which is usually larger in particles and can reach 2 to 300 microns in diameter; the other is the ash directly discharged when burning coal, called dust removal ash or fly ash, which is generally less than 0.5 microns in diameter and dispersed in the atmosphere. The main components are silicates and oxides. Fly ash is the main solid waste discharged by coal-fired power plants. Its appearance is similar to cement, and its color varies from milky white to gray-black. The particles are porous honeycomb-like and have high adsorption activity.

Fly ash is widely used in construction, cement, road construction, ceramics, carbon black, magnetic materials and other fields. For example, fly ash can replace cement to make energy-saving, green and environmentally friendly concrete materials, which helps to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the cement industry, save energy and reduce production costs.

How to dry fly ash?

Drying fly ash is an important step in converting it from wet to dry state for better subsequent use. The following is the general process of drying fly ash:

Material preparation: The wet fly ash is fed into the feed port of the dryer through the conveying equipment to ensure that the material is evenly distributed and prevent blockage.

Hot air heating: The hot air generated by the hot air furnace enters the dryer through the pipeline to heat the wet fly ash. The hot air temperature should be adjusted according to the humidity and drying requirements of the fly ash to ensure the drying effect.

Material drying: The wet fly ash enters the rotating cylinder through the feeding device, and is fully in contact with the hot air in the cylinder. The water evaporates through heat exchange to achieve the purpose of drying.

Waste gas emission: The waste gas generated during the drying process is discharged after being treated by the dust removal equipment to meet environmental protection requirements. This helps to reduce the pollution of the drying process to the environment.

Finished product collection: The dried fly ash is discharged through the discharge port, and the finished product is collected after cooling and screening. The humidity of the finished fly ash should meet the relevant standards to meet the needs of subsequent utilization.

Dingli fly ash dryer is an efficient, energy-saving, stable and reliable industrial equipment, which plays an important role in the comprehensive utilization of fly ash and environmental protection.

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