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The reason why soil dryers need to dry soil is mainly based on the following considerations:

1. Improve the quality and utilization value of soil: Soil often contains high moisture, which not only increases the weight of soil, but also affects the efficiency of its subsequent processing and utilization. Through drying, the excess moisture in soil can be effectively removed to achieve the required degree of dryness.

2. Improve physical properties: The physical properties of soil after drying will be improved, such as density and strength, which will help improve its performance in subsequent processes, such as sintering and briquetting.

3. Ensure product quality: In cement, building materials, metallurgy and other industries, soil is an important raw material, and its degree of dryness directly affects the quality of the final product. Drying can ensure that the soil reaches the required drying standards, thereby ensuring product quality.

4. Reduce pollution: During the drying process, the soil dryer has good sealing performance, less dust spillage, and less pollution to the environment. In addition, the dried soil can also be used as a renewable resource in some industries to achieve resource recycling.

Dingli mineral soil drying equipment is suitable for drying minerals such as slag, limestone, clay, kaolin, diatomaceous earth, bentonite, sand, coal powder, coal slime, etc. The equipment has high processing output, good drying effect, stable operation, high degree of automation, simple operation, and reduced labor costs.

Dingli mineral soil drying system is mainly composed of hot air furnace, feeding conveyor, rotary drum, discharging conveyor, induced draft fan, cyclone dust collector, bag dust collector (or wet dust collector) and operation control system. It adopts gas, fuel oil, mixed fuel and other heating forms, and is equipped with dust removal and purification system solutions designed for heat sources. It has passed environmental impact assessment and reasonable cost control.

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