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The working principle of a sawdust dryer can be clearly divided into several steps:

First, the sawdust to be dried is placed in the large drum of the sawdust dryer through a conveyor belt or other means.

Heating process:

The hot air furnace generates hot air and sends the hot air into the drum through a pipe.

There are many flip plates inside the drum, which can continuously flip and mix the sawdust in the drum to ensure that the sawdust is heated evenly.

The hot air passes through the conveyor belt or directly contacts the sawdust to evaporate the moisture in the sawdust.

Drying process:

Under the action of hot air, the moisture in the sawdust is gradually evaporated, thereby achieving the purpose of drying.

Since the sawdust is constantly flipped and mixed in the drum, the drying efficiency and quality of the sawdust are ensured.

Discharge and dehumidification:

The dried sawdust is discharged through the discharge port of the drum.

During the drying process, the humidity in the hot air will gradually increase, so it is necessary to discharge the hot air with higher humidity to keep the humidity in the drying room constant.

Features and advantages:

The wood chip dryer adopts drum drying, which has the characteristics of high drying efficiency, significant energy saving effect and low maintenance.

The wood chips are dried quickly through the full contact between hot air and wood chips and the uniform heating of wood chips.

Dingli wood chip dryer achieves fast and efficient drying of wood chips through heating, drying and discharge steps.

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