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  Bagasse is a by-product of sugar cane utilization, which is a cheap energy feed. At present, many feed companies use bagasse as animal raw materials for drying and utilization, and have created considerable benefits. Today, I will talk with you about the prospect of bagasse drying and utilization of feed.

bagasse dryer

  A large amount of by-products such as bagasse are produced every year, and direct disposal will cause waste of resources. Bagasse is processed through a certain nutrition ratio and then dried by a dryer. The prepared feed has good color and palatability. The development of feed is generally optimistic about the industry. At present, the bagasse drying process is more commonly used by Dingli bagasse dryer.

  Enterprises with bagasse resources can learn from their peers and combine their specific situations to develop and use bagasse feed resources, which can not only create benefits for the enterprise, but also provide a large number of feed resources for the animal husbandry industry, reduce feeding costs, and provide environmentally friendly feed development is of great significance.

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