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 The rice husk continuous carbonization machine purchased by India customers from our company has been put into trial operation. The production line adopts an automated control system, which is easy to operate and saves manpower. The machine is of high quality and cost-effective. The quality of carbonized rice husk is far superior to similar products.

Dingli continuous carbonization machine equipment is used to convert peanut shells, sawn wood, corn stalks, sugarcane bagasse, branches, rice husks, bamboo chips, sorghum stalks, corn cobs, sorghum stalks, coconut shells, coffee grounds, cotton stalks, bean stalks, dry Leaves and other waste materials are used as raw materials, and are made into high-quality, environmentally friendly and efficient machine-made charcoal or charcoal powder through high temperature. The charcoal material produced by the continuous carbonization machine is clean and non-toxic, has high thermal energy, good market sales, and broad prospects.

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